Celebrating "153" Years of Ministry - 1872-2025

First Presbyterian Church
Pastor Scott Randle
Come join us in Worship!

1419 Western Avenue
(Physical address)
Send Mail
> PO Box 523 <Send Mail
Wellington KS  67152
Map to Church
Church Email
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9 a.m.- Noon

9:15 a.m. (Sunday School)
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Fellowship to follow

(Hope you have BOOKMARKED this URL for the website
 or drag the URL to your desktop for easy access)

The happenings of our Church!!

Sunday Morning   9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.  Sanctuary-Everyone WELCOME!
Prayground for small children - 
In front of pews
Sunday Morning Fellowship 11:30 a.m. Fellowship Hall - please join us!
Tuesday Morning - Botkin Care Rm #17   8:15 a.m. Morning Prayer Group-102 W Botkin
2nd Tuesday - 2 p.m. Feb. 11th
Quiet Rm @ Botkin Rehab
Circle IV-Vivian Hay, hostess
3rd Tuesday Morning - 10:30 a.m. Feb. 18th Finance Committee Meeting - Office
3rd Sunday after Fellowship  Mar. is the next meeting Session Meeting - Parlor 
3rd Sunday after Fellowship Feb. 16th Deacons

"Vision & Mission Statement"

The vision of First Presbyterian Church of Wellington is to be a church that proclaims the love of God through study of the Word of God and participation in the sacraments. We believe in the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ and will provide opportunities for all ages to grow in their spiritual journeys. We will care for one another, grow in numbers, especially young families, support local and global missions, support the preschool and reach out to the community. The MISSION of the FPC of Wellington is to be a community of caring Christians striving to provide ministries to all ages so that everyone may know and follow Jesus Christ.

Everyone is welcome and you are welcome to bring a friend.
If you don't have a Church home or haven't been in a while, please

You must have a facebook account to sign-in
Click on Icon above for log-in page

Once there "LIKE" the page to be friends


Presbytery of Southern Kansas Newsletter
"On the Wind"

and happenings of our Church
what's on our calendar

2025 - Celebrating 153 years!

Each Member


Multi-Church Gathering
in Wellington
Church represented were:
Arkansas City, Anthony, Caldwell, Freeport, Viola & Wellington.
Along with members of the Presbytery of Southern Kansas.
Approximately 55 were in attendance to Worship with us and 
enjoy a beautiful array of food that everyone brought to share.

Thanks for all those that help and was involved in the service.
Thanks to the Deacon's for hosting.
Thanks to all the others that help before and afterwards.
You all were appreciated.  
What a wonderful day it was to see so many in attendance.
Please know our doors are always open for you to come back anytime.
Blessings to you all!


Thanks to all those that donated
OTC medicine for Churches in
Central Cuba.  3 full bags were
taken by the PSK ladies, to take
and donate later this month.



Deacon's Food Bank Drive
was very successful.
Such a wonderful variety to
help with the holidays for
our Local Food Bank 
to Distribute during the

Thanks to all that donated food,
you are going to make a lot of people smile
and happy this holiday season.

Ended up taking 16 full bags down
Thanks again for your generosity!
You are the BEST!




Communion will be served
After Worship

Please stay for a SOUP lunch
provided by
the Sunday School Students

Office Closed
President's Day

18th Presbytery Meeting
12 noon
McPherson FPC



Pastor Scott Randle
Barbara White will fill the pulpit Feb. 16th
  Lay Leaders Ushers
2nd Dean Kern Bob White
9th David White Bob White
16th Arlene Carter David White
23rd Monica Kern Marsha Pickard

  Fellowship Hour
Please join us after Worship

2nd Gloria Klima and Girls
9th "Souper" Bowl
Sunday School Children
16th Dean & Monica Kern
23rd tba


"Blessing Box" donations can be 
left on the shelves inside; across from the 
Church office or put in the Blessing Box itself.

...M O R E...

12 Count Egg Cartons
go to our Local Food Bank
All Handled Bag

go to the Food Bank 
the FUMC for the Kids Meal's Summer program 
(when needed)
PLEASE put any you might be donating
by the (north) back door on the cart. TY

Collected "250" Total for 2019
155 Egg Cartons & 95 Handled Bags
Collected "180" Total for 2020
123 Egg Cartons & 57 Handled Bags
Collected "225" Total for 2021
100 Egg Cartons & 125 Handled Bags
Collected "327" Total for 2022
127 Egg Cartons & 200 Handled Bags
Collected "293" Total for 2023
 101 Egg Cartons & 192 Handled Bags
Collect "260" Total for 2024
98 Egg Cartons & 162 Handled Bags
Combination for 6 years

Month Egg
& Reg. Bags
Food taken
to Food Bank
January 12 3
February 10 1 <<<so far

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You must have a facebook account to sign-in
Click on Icon above for log-in

or if you are already signed in
Search under the name

Wellington First Presbyterian Church

Once found "LIKE" the page to be friends,
scroll down to see current messages.


May this box be a blessing to those in need.
May they take what they need and leave what they can.

May it help many in need.

Donations can be left on the shelves inside, across from the 
Church office, or put in the Blessing Box itself.
The Deacons and Mission Committee will check on the 
box periodically and keep it filled.
Thanks to those outside our Church that also come
and fill the box.


Celebrated 150 years in 2022

Our Church CROSS
Both taken while sitting in the same place on the west side of the Church
Just different camera settings.
Bottom picture of Church Cross
had a visitor fly in, as I was taking the picture!

10:30 a.m.

GRACE is when God gives us good things that we don't deserve.
MERCY is when He spares us from bad things we deserve.
BLESSINGS are when He is generous with both.
Truly, we can never run out of reasons to thank HIM.
God blesses us with new grace and mercy everyday.
God is Good All the Time!

If you would like to include a Church related thank you, in the above area,
please let Brenda know!  It will be posted for a short period of time..
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305 S Washington
could  always use monetary donations & more volunteers,
along with suggested items below

Canned Tomatoes, Canned Potatoes/sliced, Tuna, Ketchup, mustard, crackers, canned vegetables of all kinds, snack crackers, boxed potatoes, canned beans, rice, peanut butter, stovetop dressing, sugar, brown sugar, flour, canned fruit, soups, spaghetti sauce & Rice a Roni. Also, salt, popcorn, vegetable oil, and jello.  Don't forget about toothpaste and kid's toothpaste, baby food and diapers.
Don't forget paper products either.
Kleenex, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, paper towels and even trash bags.
Anything on the list above would be appreciated.

You help a lot of people with your donations and your donations are truly needed. Please check the expiration dates, as the WFB cannot give out  anything with an expired date.

The people can only get food for 1 week and then they have to wait 30 days to come back and get another weeks worth of food.

Open on  Wednesday
9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.



Please make these non-perishable and smaller sizes.
Please be mindful of the weather when
sharing with those in need.
Too hot - things melt, spoil and may explode

Too cold - things might freeze

Anyone in need, can help themselves from these boxes.
No limit, no rules, no restrictions.

"Take what you need but
Leave what you can".

Blessing Boxes are located at: 

Calvary Lutheran Church 
1300 N C Street

First United Methodist Church
202 W Harvey
Eastside (on Jefferson)

Formerly Aahn's Armann Activity Center

715 N Woodlawn

First Freewill Baptist Church
East Entrance
802 E 16th St.

Church of the Nazarene
702 W 8th St.

First Presbyterian Church
Southeast side, in the front, of Church
1419 Western Ave

Blessing Box
North of Apts.
East side of street
515 N Plum

Church of Christ
West Entrance
217 E 13th Street

First Christian Church
West side
123 W 9th St

Sumner Co Health Dept.
NE Corner by entrance
217 W 8th St

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keep in your Prayers

Our Pastor, Lay Leaders, Ushers, Organist, 
our Church Secretary,
 our Session & Deacon Members
 and the rest of our Congregation, including:

Samuel White
Franklin Butler

Still remembering those that had surgery recently:

Remembering, in prayer, those being cared
 by others, 

Mary Ellen Garver
Wylma McGaughey

Still remembering:
Those that have lost loved ones.
Linda Yates' Family
Joyce Troutman's Family

Prayers for others:

Please keep in your prayers

Chuck Cole
Elise White
Terry White
Phil Martinez
Rev. Deb Schmidt
Barbara Stallbaumer
Richard Lawrence
Colleen Norris
Jeanie Crittenden
Baby Theo Gray
Lou Levan
Tom Starkey
Patti Rau
Jim Clouston

Eliza Conwell
Jane Hoffman
Mary Ann Grace
John Gifford
Gus Hart
Zachary Goff-Russell

Presbyterian missionaries:
Rev. Don & Dr. Martha Wehmeyer - Mexico 
Heather Haspels & Habtom Kebede - Ethopia

Prayers for all those affected by the pandemic and the flu..
and other health related issues.
Let's do our part to stay safe
 and pray for all and pray often.

All the men and women that are getting laid off from their work or getting their hours cut.  
This takes a drain on the family and they too, need to be lifted up in prayer.

All caregivers that do so much to help make others more comfortable - It is a gift!

All weather stricken areas - that has been stricken by Wildfires,
Blizzards, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Floods,  Mudslides, Earthquakes, 
& Drought stricken areas, especially prayers for Southern California..

Recovering from surgery:
HAS or Been In treatment for Cancer:

Iris Torres
Pray for our Military
overseas, that they will be safe
Those being cared by Others
Pray for our nation
Especially health care providers, EMT/Fireman
law enforcement and their families everywhere
Also the unrest in the World.
Particularly Ukraine right now
The homeless
Still remembering those that have 
lost loved ones

Tom Tompkin's Family
Charles Glenn's Family
Dave Hunt's Family
Russ Miller's Family
Oraleen Urban's Family
John T Stewart's Family
Dorothy Podschun's Family
Thank you for your prayers!

Travel Mercies for those traveling

Prayers of Sympathy
For the family of:

Tommy Tompkins - 71 (Feb. 7th)
Fred Yoder - 89 (Feb. 1st)
Nancy Purkey - 82 (Jan. 30th)
Daniel Gonzales - 81 (Jan. 30th)
Norma Wilson - 88 (Jan. 30th)
Everett Fleming - 44 (Jan. 24th)
Charles Glenn - 94 (Jan. 22nd)
Jim Burkey - 83 (Jan. 21st)
Dave Hunt - 80 (Jan. 20th)
Tamberlyn (Stuhlsatz) Hendrix - 47 (Jan. 19th)
Susan (Elder) Ybarra - 65 (Jan. 17th)
Russell Miller - 80 (Jan. 13th)
Norma Gooch - 80 (Jan. 7th)
 Jeff Ferguson - 77 (Jan. 7th)
Lenay Kingcade - 62 (Jan. 3rd)

Please keep them in your prayers no matter 
where they are serving,
until they get home safely.

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7th Emiley Anderson
8th Jane Garnand
8th Jim Yates
15th Terry Brecheisen
15th Estelle White
18th Amy Anderson
21st JuleAnn Troutman
23rd Davin Anderson

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The family that prays together, stays together!

Happy Anniversary

  Feb. 20th - Jaron & Amy Parsons - 29 years
  Feb. 20th - Bill & Arlene Carter - 18 years

If you have an anniversary this month,
please email me so we can get you on the list.

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Please visit our Church Library
you may be very surprised what
happiness you find there.

You will find fiction & non-fiction books to be
checked out on the HONOR SYSTEM.
Please put your name on the legal pad along with
the name of the book.
Donations of books are also welcome.

Congrats to Tom Dobbins on his
Published Book

"The Grand-Dad Tree"
Thank you also for donating a copy to 
our Church Library

The GrandDad Tree

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Let your fingers do the walking thru the Bible

Click on Bible
then click on passage

Another site for Bible verses
click HERE

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There's not much difference 
between Good and "GOD" 
but "o" what a difference.
Faith is not hoping God can,
it is knowing he Will
Yesterday is HISTORY,
Tomorrow is a MYSTERY,
Today is a GIFT!
Thank GOD for it!
I believe in prayer.
It's the best way to draw
strength from heaven
Sorry looks back
Worry looks around
Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment,
thank God.
Happiness keeps You Sweet,
Trials keep You Strong,
Sorrows keep You Human,
Failures keep You Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only God keeps You Going!
Remember yesterday,
Dream about tomorrow,
Today God Is First
The 4 Blessed Looks!
1. Look back and thank God.
2. Look forward and trust God.
3. Look around and serve God.
4. Look within and find God!
doubles our blessings, causing 
us to enjoy them twice - when we 
receive them, and when we remember them.
Life isn't tied with a bow,
but it is still a "GIFT"
Remember seven days 
One WEAK!!
The 4 B's
Believe, Behave,
Beware, Belong
Do not ask the Lord to guide
your footst
eps, if you are not
 willing to move your feet.
Without GOD, our week would be:
Sinday, Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday,
Thirstday, Fightday & Shatterday.
Life w/o God is like an 
unsharpened pencil - 
it has no point!
May the sun always shine on your window
May a rainbow be certain to follow each 
May the hand of a friend always be near 
May God fill your heart with gladness
and cheer you!
No one stands as tall as 
a Christian on their knees.
Always pray to  have eyes that 
see the best in people, a heart 
that forgives the  worst, 
a mind that forgets the bad, 
and a soul that never loses 
faith in God.
There is always, always,
something to be thankful for
A kind word is never wasted When life gives you more than you can
stand..... KNEEL
Dear  Lord, Please help me to remember today, 
that you are with me, and no matter what happens, 
we can handle it together.
Faith is the bridge between 
where I am
and the place God is taking me.

Today will never come again. Be a blessing.
Be a friend. Encourage  someone. 
Take time to care.  
Let your words heal and not wound.

Today, be thankful and think about how rich you are:  
Your FAMILY is  priceless, your TIME is gold and 
your HEALTH is wealth and

We don't change the message,
The message changes US.

The task ahead of us, is never as great as the POWER behind us.

Skippers: Bob & Barb White
First Mate: Marsha Pickard
Log Keeper: Vivian Hay
Pursers: Charles & Brenda Wallace
Chaplain: Gloria Klima
Cargo:   Any member as needed

Inactive since Covid
Stay safe and well
Until we meet again!

Scott Randle - Pastor
Barbara Stallbaumer - Church Secretary
Email Church 
Custodial Care
JuleAnn Troutman - Organist
David White - Treasurer
Gloria Klima - Financial Treasurer - Memorial Chairman
Brenda Wallace - Webmaster

It takes many willing people to help run a Church
Lay Leaders, Ushers, Fellowship hostesses, 
all Committee members  and officers
 Women's Mission Group etc.
All of your rewards will come!
We appreciate your service. Thank you!
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Nominating Committee
1 year term
Jordan Knoeppel - Chair
Bob White
Brenda Wallace
Arlene Carter
At Large)
Gloria Klima
(At Large)



2025 2026 2027
Mary Ellen Garver-Clerk
Task Force
Bill Carter

Phil White
Christian Ed

Jane Garnand
Mission Committee
Task Force

David White

Task Force
Gloria Klima

Christian Ed.-Chair

JuleAnn Troutman
Jim Yates
Alicia Starkey
Christian Ed
Other Volunteer Committee Members
Barbara White
Mission Committee, Chair
Christian Ed.

Task Force
Vivian Hay

Marsha  Pickard

Jan Grace
Mission Committee
Bob White
Scholarship Chair
Jordan Knoeppel
Mission Committee
2025 2026 2027
Barbara White
(1st Term)
Stacy White
(2nd Term-3 years)
Marsha Pickard
(1st Term)
Card Ministry
Brenda Wallace
(1st Term 2 years)
Arlene Carter
(1st Term)
Carrie Clouston
(1st Term)
Directors of the Corporation

Phil White                David White
       President           Treasurer/Secretary

Thanks to ALL for serving!

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Background music:
Not able to play right now - sorry.
If you hear music please let me know and what kind of
browser you have.  TY

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